Class: Amphibians
Order: Salientia or Anura
Family: Pipidae
Genus: Hymenochirus
Species: boettgeri, etc.
Hymenochirus boettgeri
Hymenochirus boulengeri
Hymenochirus curtipes
Hymenochirus feae
In 1924 herpetoligists classified Hymenochirus curtipes and Hymenochirus boettgeri into two diffrent groups. Each had
differing characteristics and requirements in the Congo regin. In 1959 a third species of dwarf frog was discovered, the Hymenochirus
boulengeri. But by 1962 this species was considered to be just a crossbreed of the H. curtipes and the H. boettgeri.
Some people today don't think the H. curtipes exists or has ever existed. But they do! Most H. curtipes today probably
do have a little bit of H. boettgeri in them from being mass produced for the pet trade. But everyonce in awhile you will
stumble across a dwarf frog and think "what is that! It looks so diffrent from all the others!" That is probably an H. curtipes
with very stong characteristics.
Hymenochirus curtipes |

female |
Hymenochirus curtipes |

female |
Hymenochirus curtipes Characteristics
Larger then the H. boettgeri in all aspects (longer, chubbier, etc)
No spots on the body
Color is solid grey to pale tan
skin is "wartier"and bumpier looking
Head is flat and broad, eyes looking more forward then an H. boettgeri
Read an article about a Hymenochirus Curtipes Breeding Program
Hymenochirus boulengeri |

female (Shulk) |
Hymenochirus boulengeri |

female (Shulk) |
Hymenochirus boulengeri Characteristics (H. Curtipes/H. Boettgeri cross)
A touch larger then the H. boettgeri or may be the same size, but looks thicker or chubbier in the body.
Very little spots on the body, usually has a few
Color is toned down and paler, tan body with grey spots
skin can be of any texture
They look not quite like an H. curtipes and not quite like an H. boettgeri
Hymenochirus bottgeri |

female (Lola) |
Hymenochirus boettgeri Characteristics
Small and Skinny with a thin/narrow body
Thin legs and arms
Very narrow head with pointed snout, eyes directly on sides of head
Color can be any variety, but mostly is light brown and covered with teeny dark brown spots.
Skin is smooth looking with a little bit of bumpy texture on their sides
Hymenochirus |

curtipes VS. boettgeri |
The picture to the left shows the comparison between Hymenochirus curtipes and Hymenochirus boettgeri. The curtipes is
a female and the boettgeri is a light colored male (Charlie).
All the frogs pictured here are taken from my African Dwarf Frog colony. Please do not use these pictures unless you
ask permission first. PLEASE email me first for permission to use these pictures.