"Yoda" |

Xenopus Laevis |
This is Yoda who passed on to an unknown illness a few weeks ago. She was very much loved and spoiled and is greatly
missed. This was the last picture taken of her, and she smiled for it. She is waiting patiently for her "human mom" over
the rainbow bridge.
"Clappy" xenopus laevis |

Gravity? What gravity? I believe I can FLY! |
"Snappy" xenopus laevis |

We are flintstone frogs! 10 million strong........and growing..... |
Snappy and Clappy are very loved and spoiled. They have silurana tropicalis sibblings named Silly and Happy. Snappy
used to be really shy when he made the move into the big tank. But with the help of outgoing Clappy, they are both doing just