Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Lissamphibia
Order: Anura
Family: Pipidae
Genus: Xenopus
Species: Laevis, Muelleri, Borealis, etc.
Xenopus amieti
Xenopus andrei
Xenopus borealis
Xenopus boumbaenis
Xenopus clivii
Xenopus fraseri
Xenopus gilli
Xenopus laevis
Xenopus largeni
Xenopus longipes
Xenopus muelleri
Xenopus pygmaeus
Xenopus ruwenzoriensis
Xenopus vestitus
Xenopus wittei
Xenopus laevis Subspecies
Xenopus laevis bunyoniensins
Xenopus laevis laevis (common ACF in pet trade)
Xenopus laevis malawi
Xenopus laevis petersi
Xenopus laevis poweri
Xenopus laevis sudanensis
Xenopus laevis victorianus
Xenopus Gilli is the most endangered of the xenopus species. Daming of streams and ponds are destroying their natural
habitat. It is also causing them to come into contact with Xenopus Laevis and interbreeding is occuring resulting in Laevis-Gilli
hybrids. The hybrid males are sterile so it is pushing the true X. Gilli to the brink of extinction. Very little if anything
has been done to fix this problem. Do anything you can to bring attention to this dissapearing frog since so little is known
about them.
Read an article about the Endangered Xenopus Gilli
Xenopus Gilli |

Please read the article above! |
Xenopus laevis victorianus |

Xenopus muelleri |

xenopus muelleri |

Their spotted/circular pattern makes them easy to identify |
Xenopus wittei |
