In Depth Information on Common Aquatic Clawed Frogs
Where To Buy ACF
Introduction to African Clawed Frogs
African Clawed Frog Housing and Feeding
African Clawed Frog sizes and lifespan
African Clawed Frog Sexing and Breeding
Raising ACF Tadpoles
My Tadpole Journal
ACF Color Variations
African Clawed Frog Disease and Injury
Species of Xenopus
Can I keep other aquatic life with my ACF?
African Clawed Frogs Today
Where To Buy ACF
African Clawed Frog Links
Introduction to African Dwarf Frogs
African Dwarf Frog Housing and Feeding
African Dwarf Frog size and lifespan
African Dwarf Frog Sexing and Breeding
Raising Dwarf Frog Tadpoles
Dwarf Frog Color Variations
African Dwarf Frog Disease and Injury
Species of the African Dwarf Frog
Can I keep other aquatic life with my ADF?
African Dwarf Frogs and Bettas
Where To Buy ADF
African Dwarf Frog Links
Setting up a Natural tank for your aquatic frog
My Personal Page
For Sale

Xenopus Laevis
Sham and Tiwi

Online websites that sell African Clawed Frogs and sometimes other species of Xenopus as well

Grow A Frog

Grow A Frogs sells tadpoles, froglets and the occasional adult frog (upon request).
*Silurana tropicalis are now available upon request!

Xenopus One

Sells Xenopus laevis and Xenopus borealis

Xenopus Express

Probably the best frog distrubitor out there. Quality frogs and froglets. They sell Xenopus laevis, X. borealis, Silurana tropicalis, and occasionally Pipa pipa. They also sell reticulated albinos. They sell a specially formulated frog food and Koizyme (a producet that prevents red leg).

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IDICACF (C) 2006