History of the Dwarf Frog
Dwarf frogs have been kept as pets for many many years. They have become very common in the community aquarium or betta
bowl. In the 1960's India began breeding large amounts of Hymenochirus for the pet trade.
Dwarf frogs were once native to the Congo regin of Africa. It is unknown if there are any wild Hymenochirus left in their
native habitat. It is possible that they are even extinct in the wild. Although their wild numbers are unknown, their captive
numbers are very high. In a rare twist, the pet industry has kept this creature from going extinct. Urban expansion
into the Congo has drastically changed the ecosystem of that region. "Slash and Burn" techniques are used to clear the
Congo of its forests due to the demand for logging. Political and civil unrest in the region has made it near impossible for
biological studies to be done there presently. Any data on Hymenochirus remaining in the wild is inconclusive.
A book written on African Dwarf Frogs |

Includes taxonomy, husbandry, information and everything you else you need to know |
Here is a book written by Frank Schaefer that focuses on the African Dwarf Frog and the African Clawed Frog. It is an
easy to read book with lots of colorful pictures.
For more information on this book and to purchase it click here