What fish can NOT be kept with African Dwarf Frogs
- Large Fish
- Aggressive Fish
- Goldfish
- Plecos
- Crayfish
- Turtles
- Other amphibians (newts, salamanders, African Clawed Frogs, etc)
1. Fish are are very large can eat dwarf frogs! The fish's mouth shouldn't be any larger then a pea, if it is that fish
could easily eat or kill a dwarf frog.
2. Aggressive fish such as cichilds, etc. will attack and kill dwarf frogs. Also, the large tank requirements for these
fish are not sutable for keeping ADF either. Chinese Algea eaters are semiaggressive and should not be kept with dwarfs
as well.
3. Crayfish will EAT live african dwarf frogs, I recieved an email about this happeneing so I decided to include this.
But I figured anyone with common sense would know better then to mix preditorial crayfish with a small bottom dwelling creature.
4. Turtles will eat up ADF before you can even blink. In the wild turtles eat small aquatic creatures such as frogs, tadpoles,
fish, etc. These two species should never ever be mixed.
5. ADF are too small to defend themselves against stronger, more aggressive amphibians and will quickly end up as food.
Do not mix them with other amphibians.
What fish can I keep with my African Dwarf Frog
Any type of tropical community tank fish. Tetras, barbs, live bearers, etc. Just make sure your frog is getting his share
of the food and that none of the fish are picking on the dwarfs.
Otto cat algea eaters are perfect companions for ADF, they are small and don't threaten the dwarfs. They are also great
algea eaters and will help keep you tank algea free.
Guppies are great tank mates as well. They are colorful and prolific breeders so they will supply the ADF with a live guppy
fry treat they can hunt and catch on their own.
I strongly suggest keeping African Dwarf Frogs in a tank by themselves. They are much easier to observe and more active
when in their own tank. I personaly think they do better off in their own tank with other dwarfs as company. I keep my dwarfs
in a tank to themselves with a few otto cats for algea clean up, it is a great setup and the frogs are thriving.